Monday, June 27, 2005

tell me i'm not crazy...

i never thought it would happen to me. i thought i would be safe. i saw it happen to my other friends, read about it in magazines, saw it in the movies and on tv, but i thought i would be different. i thought i was stronger. but it has happened.

i am obsessed with wedding planning. and i've got it bad.

i buy every wedding magazine i can get my hands on, even the ones in the sealed plastic bags with the free budget planner notebooks and the target gift registries. i log on to indiebride or the knot at least twice a day. i can't wait to go to flea markets this summer and look for interesting stuff for centerpieces. recently i even had the urge to rent "my best friend's wedding" and "runaway bride" JUST BECAUSE THEY ARE ABOUT WEDDINGS!!!!

i have a problem. it has to stop. the wedding is still a year away, and i have everything done except for buying the flowers and writing my vows.

i fear i am lost.

tell me i'm not completely out of my mind. tell me this is normal. at least tell me this is normal for ME....


Roxanne said...

Wedding planning is fun. There's really no downside to what you're doing, except that you're going to spend a ton of money on a bunch of magazines that will just be sitting there in a year. So have fun with it!

I wish I was wedding planning. Want to switch? Then I could be sure the whole thing was going to end in a positive way...unless of course...a hurricane sweeps through Virginia on your wedding weekend...but I mean...come on...THAT's never going to happen, right?

You should post the wedding dresses you're in love with.

Le Synge Bleu said...

have fun and enjoy it - i not, what's the point?