Tuesday, February 01, 2005

cabin fever

i sprained (or fractured, but without insurance, we'll never know...) my ankle on sunday night, so for the past few days i've been rather house-bound. i feel like i'm cracking up. not a sylvia plath, i-think-i'll-go-stick-my-head-in-the-oven type of cracking, up, but i'm feeling a little cage-sick at the least. it isn't very nice to lose your mobility, especially if you're the 'born to run'-type like myself. not that i'm particularly industrious, i just like the option of movement. so tonight i am dragging my crippled ass out to sing and to drink, two of my favorite things. i might add that this emotional sludgy place is also helped along by my monthly cycle and lack of sunlight. i wish that winter would go away. i want summer. is it alright to whine, when i don't really have anything to whine about? i just want to bathe in chocolate cheescake and meg ryan movies while getting a pedicure and a shoulder rub. is that so much to ask? oh, and can i have a nice glass of pinot noir?

1 comment:

Le Synge Bleu said...

i can send you the pinot noir, but ummm...the rest may not ship so well (esp masseuse and pedicurist).
oh hon, i'm so sorry! i know how much injuries suck. i hope you're staying off it as much as possible and icing and elevating. if you do think its broken and it continues to bother you, please please please at least go to an urgent care kind of place - i'll pay for it. i just don't want it to heal wrong and stuff. i'm a worry-wart you know.
you can go out, just stay off of it!
i'm sending mental cheesecake and all my love...get better soon baby.