Tuesday, July 12, 2005


so here i am in lovely iowa city. trying to be a writer. ho hum.

i was terrified of coming here, for so many reasons. first and foremost, i am not particularly good at making friends, and though i like being alone, i do need social contact after a while, so the thought of spending six days in a strange town surrounded by no one i know was a bit unnerving. secondly, the workshop i am taking is called 'family memoirs' and the thought of spending six days in a strange town surrounded by no one i know while being forced to think about my dead parents thrilled me even less. oh, and then there's the whole 'who am i fooling, i'm not a real writer and i probably never will be; this is just another wild goose chase for a career that i will never be able to decide upon' line of thought.

fun stuff.

but, so far so good. i have actually managed to bypass my usual shyness, and (with the help of two nerve building glasses of reisling) i actually initiated a group dinner last night. and i have been talking to strangers left and right.
in fact, i am off to dinner right now, so more later, but so far so good. all i have to do now is deal with the parents stuff, and that should be a piece of cake...



Le Synge Bleu said...

i am proud of you, baby. this week is a huge thing for you and i am so infintely proud of my incredibly talented and courageous "big sis".

MAH said...

ok, you are totally a writer. thinking you are not is bullshit. second, everything goes better with riesling. third, if these people don't see what an interesting, talented, beautiful person you are then fuck 'em.


Roxanne said...

That sounds great! I'll bet you get very into this workshop. Good luck!