Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Argh. Almost forgot to write again. And once again, it was for no good reason, just mindlessly surfing the net and looking up stuff about all of the vacations I want to take. And the food I want to eat. And the houses I want to buy. And Diablo Cody.

Well, I'm writing now, and that's something at least. After all, I didn't pledge to write "prolifically" or even "well" every day, just to write.

It snowed here again last night- 8 inches. I swear sometimes I feel like it will never stop snowing. At first it was charming, in a 'hole-up-in-your-house-and--read-a- good-book-with-a-glass- of-wine-and some-pasta' kind of way. But it's not cute any more. Really NOT CUTE. Now it's making me fat, and lethargic, and keeping me away from my friends. I swear we haven't had a full week with no snow since the middle of January. Enough is enough already!

But, then again, I guess the lack of anything else to do has helped to get me writing again, which is good. And it motivated me to finally get around to reading a book which has quickly catapulted to the top of my favorite books of all time list: "Traveling Mercies" by Anne Lamott. I plan to commit that book to memory- it is truly amazing.

Okay- I wrote. So there. More interesting stuff tomorrow, I promise.

1 comment:

S said...

dude, i am going to see anne at U of R on March 5! I am a huge fan. Make sure to read Plan B next, and she has a great book about writing called Bird by Bird. Did you see the AL quotes I made for Synge to hang up all over her birth space? We will have to discuss her sometime. love, love, love. i am working on a long post about her that has been in draft form forever.