Wednesday, October 05, 2005

a little test that told me what i already knew

a friend sent me this test that determines your political belief system. as i suspected, i am a social and economic liberal and best classified as a socialist. on their celebrity chart i fall between hilary clinton and ghandi- not a bad spot. i think it's funny that someone on the opposite side of the chart would be between darth vader and stalin. and there are also apparently also ideologies that would place you between ted nugent and donald trump, or between adam sandler and martin luther king. creepy.

anyway, enjoy. hope none of you fall on the dark side.

1 comment:

Roxanne said...

I took this a while ago and forgot about it. I just took it again and I think my score changed. I'm a social and economic liberal...a democrat. I'm right by the left side of Hilary Clinton's head.

Shocking! Me, a liberal! No!